These objects are centrally located in the zenith in summer and are close to the main star DENEB in the star sign Swan (Cygnus). Both are separated by a dark cloud, which is located in front of both objects.
The North America Nebula shown at the top left of the image was discovered as early as 1786 by Friedrich-Wilhelm Herschel. Its distinctive shape gave it its name. With imagination you can see the Rocky Mountains on the left (in the west), the Gulf of Mexico and Florida. The size of the object "coast to coast" is an astonishing 50 light years.
On the right of the image you can see the characteristic Pelican Nebula IC5070. This object, at a distance of 1,800 light years, is about 400 light years closer to us than the North America Nebula. It was discovered by Max Wolf in 1891.