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NGC6888 Crescent Nebula

This emission nebula in the constellation Swan has a central star (Walf-Rayet star) that is about 5 times brighter than our sun. It is at the end of its life and is already shedding its outer shells. This is the prelude to its end - a supernova.

The matter ejected from the star is strongly ionised by the star (the blue-grey veil in O3) and heated. This matter hits the matter in front of it and pushes it, causing it (red in the image, H alpha) to hit the interstellar medium at about 2,000 km/s and be heated further. This creates these shock waves with the characteristic structure.

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Photo Details
 Object: NGC6888 Crescent Nebula
 Constellation: Swan (Cygnus)
 Distance:4,400 light years
teleskopOptics:Askar 500, 500mm, f/7,5
montierungMount:Skywatcher EQ8 on concrete pier
Antlia ALP-T Dualband Filter
 Exposures: 65 x 300s, total 5h 25min
guidingGuiding:WO Uniguide 50, ASI290mini
zeitRecorded in/on:2023-08
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