Eines der lohnendsten und größten Objekte des Nachthimmels ist zweifelsohne der Cirrusnebel. Er befindet sich im charakteristischen Sternbild Schwan, im Sommer hoch im Zenit zu finden. weiterlesen...(174 words, 7 images, estimated 42 secs reading time)
Auch dieses markante Objekt im Sternbild Kassiopeia wurde vom deutschen Astronomen Wilhelm Herschel entdeckt. Dies geschah am 3. November 1787. Der Blasennebel befindet sich in einer Entfernung von 7.100 Lichtjahren zu uns. weiterlesen...(131 words, 7 images, estimated 31 secs reading time)
This emission nebula in the constellation Swan has a central star (Walf-Rayet star) that is about 5 times brighter than our sun. It is at the end of its life and is already shedding its outer shells. This is the prelude to its end - a supernova. weiterlesen...(148 words, 7 images, estimated 36 secs reading time)
These objects are centrally located in the zenith in summer and are close to the main star DENEB in the star sign Swan (Cygnus). Both are separated by a dark cloud, which is located in front of both objects. weiterlesen...(175 words, 7 images, estimated 42 secs reading time)